Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Why is the beer belly more DEADLY than you think

Most people don’t realize just how dangerous their excessive abdominal fat really is. The times when fat was considered simply an energy storage are past. Now we know that in reality is part of our endocrine system too. There are different types of fat in our bodies, some of them are very useful and vital, not prone to expansion and then there are those that tend to expand when the body has energy surpass - the subcutaneous or under-the-skin fat and the visceral fat also called belly fat. The subcutaneous fat can occur anywhere – the butt, thighs, arms, stomach (above the abs muscles), it is more visible, but it does not carry as much health risk as the visceral fat. Visceral fat also called internal fat is the fat found under abdominal muscles and its purpose is to cushion our internal organs so certain amount is necessary but if person accumulates too much of it it becomes a serious health risk. It appears to turn up certain hormones and pro-inflammatory hormone-like substances. As the inflammation in the body rises so increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, insulin resistance, hormonal disbalance and also certain kinds of cancer. Increasing the insulin level can make it even harder to lose weight and you can become more prone to cravings even when you are not in the need for food.

Your waist line matters a lot. If you care about the quality of your life, reducing your abdominal fat should be your priority number one. There are no miracles pills or magic ab rollers or belts that can actually help you to do so. The only solution is balanced diet based on unprocessed natural food with good amount of fiber and reduced refined sugar combined with properly designed exercise program. Harvard university suggests that you need at least 30 to 60 minutes of moderately intense exercise daily.

The beer belly is not only ugly but it is dangerous! Don’t waste another day allowing it to kill your confidence and decrease the quality of your life and health. 
Have a fit day!

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